Contact Us
This is your Contact section paragraph. Encourage your reader to reach out with any questions, comments or to take a different action specific to your site.
I am a Muslim.
I am an American.
I am a South Asian.
I am a woman.
I am a mom.
I am a lover.
I am a wife.
I am an immigrant.
I am an entrepreneur.
I am a boss.
I am a colleague.
I am a daughter.
I am a friend.
I am a sister.
I am a niece,
I am a granddaughter,
I am a human,
I am a citizen,
Of this Global World.
When your eyes fall upon me,
And you only see one or all of these labels,
You will have missed me.
Your eyes will not see the
Love I feel for my fellow beings,
Compassion I offer for those in need,
Fight I put up against injustice,
Color blindness I have for diversity,
Curiosity I have to understand opposing beliefs,
Willingness to agree to disagree,
Patience to help build a better future,
Desire to hear you,
Yearning to see you,
Craving to feel you.
I wait with an aching longing
For you to awaken to me.
No friction, no separation.
When dawn and dusk will be one.
You and I will be one.
Just One.
-mh (c) 2017
Why mh Musings?
Building bridges with places unknown, through thought explorations of cultures and social mores, have led to an understanding of world stories in beautiful ways.
I review internationals shows & movies, and analyze pop culture, through a feminist lens & poetic overtones. It has given me a sense of purpose, formed life-long friendships with unseen souls scattered across the globe, inspiring me to expand perspectives beyond the myopic life of a busy, chronically fatigued, working mom.
My desire to live a connected, engaged, meaningful, multi-faceted life gave wings to this passion to share myself through my words. I hope they similarly inspire you to build a space that helps to define you, as my writing does for me.