I have grown under the shadows of my mother.
Her sorrows, her grief and occasional laughter,
The mosaic of my childhood.
I learnt to blow
When her sails fluttered,
Swinging madly with the winds of change.
I fought to make her smile,
Buried under the burdens of
What I could not say.
I became her worthy soldier
When her tongue was silenced
Though it longed to profess.
Somewhere along the way,
I paused to question,
Who am I?
Years pass in half-lived dreams
Built on half-baked plans,
Awaiting for life to unravel.
Surely there will be a day
When I am the queen
And someone else the pawn?
As I became a mother,
And became the keeper of their future,
The game of chess ceased to matter.
From bearing the crosses of the past
To holding the key to destinies,
I come to embrace me.
Adept at changing masks
While I remain faceless
My soul my only visage.
(c) mh 2020
You are always so kind and encouraging dear Marie. I cannot possibly imagine anyone wanting to pay for the poetry; hence I publish here:) It touches my heart that a nugget of what I have to say might resonate with you❤️
This is a beautiful poem Maheen. Have you tried publishing an anthology of your poems somewhere?? You have a special gift.